Monthelon Castle Association is an association according to the 1901 law, it was founded on 5th December 2009.
n° SIRET 52171266100011
Registered office: Château de Monthelon route de Montbard 89420 Montréal
president: Pierre Constantin
vice-presidente: Laurence Guillot Lefeuvre
treasurer: Nathalie Archinard
Board of Directors:
Sébastien Apert, Nathalie Archinard, Tom Bouchet, Sylvie Cadenat, Joël Colas, Pierre Constantin, Molly Gruey, Laurence Guillot Lefeuvre, Delphine Lanson, Jean-Benoît Mollet, Adèll Nodé-Langlois, Alma Palacios.
To download statutes (in French)
To download activity reports